Sunday, November 8, 2020

Signing of MoU for Construction and Operation of a Solid Waste Management Project at Ashraff Nagar, Addalachenai

For the Construction and operation of a Solid Waste Management project at Ashraff Nagar, Addalachenai, the Addalachenai Pradeshiya Shaba has signed an agreement with Lanka Bio-Gas Oluvil (Private) limited on 2020.09.29 at 11.00 a.m. at the Addalachenai Pradeshiya Shaba premises.

This agreement became as the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for twenty years between those two institutions with the concept of “Zero” landfill for Municipal Solid Waste including slaughter waste, poultry waste, fishery waste, agriculture waste and sewerage which will be converted into organic fertilizer, Pyrolysis oil/Bio Fuel, Energy, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Solar power facilitated venture. With the approval of the Hon. Governor of Eastern Province, the land area of 5 acres at the present dumping site is allotted to this project. The non-degradable waste except metal and concrete would be used for this project, whereas the existing Kawashima plant would be feed with the degradable waste. The Lanka Bi0-Gas Oluvil Company will take action to construct and fix the required machineries to start the above project and PS would extend its support to execute the project. As the present dumping site is used as cluster based site among the neighboring Local Authorities, implementing of this project would be enhance the waste handing capacities of the LAs and as well as increase their revenue as the profit would be shared among the LAs. As the present dumping site is much vulnerable for environmental degradation, this project would address those issues and provide sustainable solutions.


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LoA on CDLG Project signed between UNDP and EPC

Letter of Agreement between The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Eastern Provincial Council (EPC) on the implementation of “Capacity Development of Local Government Authorities in Eastern Province” (CDLG) has been signed on 23.09.2020 by Mr. Thusitha P. Wanigasinghe, the Chief Secretary of EPC and Mr. Robert Juhkam, Resident Representation of UNDP at the Chief Secretary Secretariat.   Mr. Shamir Shalih, Project Coordinator, UNDP and Mr. N. Manivannan, CLG – EP also were attended the event.

Capacity Development of Local Governance project (CDLG) project of UNDP is part of the European Union’s Strengthening Transformation, Reconciliation and Inclusive Democratic Engagement (STRIDE) Programme.   The project is supported by the European Union through UNDP to strengthen the local governance system in Sri Lanka. The CDLG project will be implemented in four provinces – North, North Central, Eastern and Uva, with the overall objective of strengthening the capacities of Local Authorities (LAs) to be inclusive, responsive, and accountable and be able to plan, enhance resilience and deliver better services, alongside with the Local Development Support Project (LDSP).   UNDP will implement the project with the partnership of the Eastern Provincial council in 45 local authorities in the Eastern Province.


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Child Friendly City (CFC) initiative awareness program for Local Authorities in Batticaloa District

Department of Local Government with the support of UNICEF and SERI (Partner organization of UNCEIF) has conducted an awareness program to all the Chairmen and Secretaries of the Local Authorities of Batticaloa District on 2020.09.22 at 9:30 at the Good Governance Resource Centre, Batticaloa.

The importance and the steps need to be taken by the Local Authorities were discussed at this program. The Officers who had visited South Korea last year with the assistance of UNICEF, Batticaloa for an exposure on the Child Friendly City Initiatives in South Korea has shared their experiences with the participants. In addition, as Batticaloa Municipality has lead in the CFC initiatives in the Eastern Province, Mr. Siththiravel, Commissioner of Municipal Council of Batticaloa has shared his experiences on how the Municipality has took steps to practice the CLC concepts in Municipality area. The participants were taken for a short exposure with in the Municipality area to have an idea how the preliminary steps could be taken by the Local Authorities to practice the CFC initiatives in their respective Local Authority boundaries.  


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Certificate Ceremony of Manmunai (Arayampathi) Pradeshiya Shaba

The students, after successfully completing the training on Information Technology and Nursing Assistant courses conducted by the Vocational Institute of Manmunai Pradeshiya Shaba, have honored with the certificate on 2020.09.24 at the Cultural Hall of Manmunai Pradeshiya Shaba.

The ceremony was headed by the Hon. Chairman of Manmunai Pradesiya Shaba whereas Mr. U.L.A. Azzez, Secretary of Chief Ministry and Local Government, Eastern Province and Mr. N. Manivannan, Commissioner of Local Government, Eastern Province has been participated as the Chief Guests for the ceremony. Local Heads of Education, Health and other institutions were invited for the function. Chairmen of all Pradeshiya Shabas in the Batticaloa Districts, Commissioner of Municipal Council and Assistance Commissioner of Local Government (ACLG), Batticaloa district also invited and participated as special guests for the function. It is an unique ceremony as out of 45 Local Authorities in the Eastern Province, Manmunai PS is one of the prominent PSs which provide NVQ level certificate for the participants with the approval and signature of the Territory and Vocational Education Authority.

Nearly 500 students and now undergoing for the trainings in the Vocational Institution of Manmunai PS, Whereas government officers from various sector including PS also got chances to undergo for specific IT courses for the government sector employees. Another remarkable point is that the students who successfully completed the Nursing Assistant Training Course at this institute would get immediate jobs in the private hospitals operating in Batticaloa district, which create more demand for this course.


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