Sunday, November 8, 2020

Child Friendly City (CFC) initiative awareness program for Local Authorities in Batticaloa District

Department of Local Government with the support of UNICEF and SERI (Partner organization of UNCEIF) has conducted an awareness program to all the Chairmen and Secretaries of the Local Authorities of Batticaloa District on 2020.09.22 at 9:30 at the Good Governance Resource Centre, Batticaloa.

The importance and the steps need to be taken by the Local Authorities were discussed at this program. The Officers who had visited South Korea last year with the assistance of UNICEF, Batticaloa for an exposure on the Child Friendly City Initiatives in South Korea has shared their experiences with the participants. In addition, as Batticaloa Municipality has lead in the CFC initiatives in the Eastern Province, Mr. Siththiravel, Commissioner of Municipal Council of Batticaloa has shared his experiences on how the Municipality has took steps to practice the CLC concepts in Municipality area. The participants were taken for a short exposure with in the Municipality area to have an idea how the preliminary steps could be taken by the Local Authorities to practice the CFC initiatives in their respective Local Authority boundaries.