Sunday, November 8, 2020

LoA on CDLG Project signed between UNDP and EPC

Letter of Agreement between The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Eastern Provincial Council (EPC) on the implementation of “Capacity Development of Local Government Authorities in Eastern Province” (CDLG) has been signed on 23.09.2020 by Mr. Thusitha P. Wanigasinghe, the Chief Secretary of EPC and Mr. Robert Juhkam, Resident Representation of UNDP at the Chief Secretary Secretariat.   Mr. Shamir Shalih, Project Coordinator, UNDP and Mr. N. Manivannan, CLG – EP also were attended the event.

Capacity Development of Local Governance project (CDLG) project of UNDP is part of the European Union’s Strengthening Transformation, Reconciliation and Inclusive Democratic Engagement (STRIDE) Programme.   The project is supported by the European Union through UNDP to strengthen the local governance system in Sri Lanka. The CDLG project will be implemented in four provinces – North, North Central, Eastern and Uva, with the overall objective of strengthening the capacities of Local Authorities (LAs) to be inclusive, responsive, and accountable and be able to plan, enhance resilience and deliver better services, alongside with the Local Development Support Project (LDSP).   UNDP will implement the project with the partnership of the Eastern Provincial council in 45 local authorities in the Eastern Province.