Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Commencement of Compost making plant at Addalachenai Solid Waste Management site

The opening ceremony of the Compost making Plant viz, KAWASHIMA has been declared opened by Hon. Governor of Eastern Province, Anuradha Yahampath on 2020.07.13 at Addalachenai Solid Waste Management site at Ashruf Nagar with the Participation of Mr. Thusitha P. Wanagasinghe, Chief Secretary of Eastern Province, Mr. U.L.A. Azeez, Secretary to the Chief Ministry and Local Government of Eastern Province, Mr. Velmanikkam. Deputy Chief Secretary (Engineering Services), Eastern Province Mr. N. Manivannan, Commissioner of Local Government, Eastern Province, Mr. Madawela, Director of Solid Waste Management Centre, Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government, and other officers represented from the Provincial Council and Local Authorities.
The ceremony was organized by the Chairman and Secretary of Addalachenai Pradeshiya Shaba with the support of surrounding Local Authorities who are the cluster partners of this project.  The machinery and other logistic arrangements including fixing of Kawashima machine and other equipment were given by the Solid Waste Management Centre from Colombo. The capacity of the plant to handle the waste is around 50 ton degradable waste per day. The cluster LAs will assure the supply of segregated degradable waste every day to feed to the plant and ensure the continuous operation of the plant.   Addalachenai PS is responsible for the management and marketing of the Compost produce by this plant.  The required training for the operation and maintenance of the plant has been given by the Solid Waste Management Centre with the support of the supplier of the plant.  The efficient operation of this plant will short out and minimize the solid waste issues facing by the Local Authorities and strengthen the process of segregation of waste at the source of waste generation.